[Movie] LSware EYESVault
LSware EYESVault interview LSware developed the open source compliance and vulnerability solution “EYESVault”
LSware EYESVault interview LSware developed the open source compliance and vulnerability solution “EYESVault”
SP(Software Process)인증제도 홍보영상 해당 영상은 SP(Software Process)인증제도 홍보영상 2편(종합편) 입니다. 엘에스웨어 신창권 SW연구소장님의 인터뷰 및 회사영상이 담겨있습니다. (엘에스웨어 관련 영상 시간대: 0:42~0:57, 02:04~02:41, 03:46~04:25, 05:30~06:04, 07:26~07:54, 08:44~09:12) 많은 시청 부탁드려요!
LSware Company Introduction video This is an introduction video of a Korean company LSWARE Inc. LSWARE is a leader of Total Security Solutions.
Omni-VM(Vulnerability Management System) Omni-VM is a unified system that monitors the level of management, while reflecting processes of managing technical vulnerabilities such as OS, DBMS, Network, WAS, Application and SourceCode in connection with various tools for vulnerability checks,…
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Omni-IM(Account Lifecycle Approval Management System) Omni-IM provides integrated account management for different O/S (such as Unix/Windows) based servers and databases. It provides functions for User lifecycle approval Management and Integration/Management for Security Policies.
Omni-IM(統合アカウント管理システム) Omni-IMは、Unix、Windowsの多様な異機種サーバーとDBのアカウントを統合管理するシステムです。 ユーザーアカウントの管理およびセキュリティポリシーを統合/管理する機能を提供します。
Omni-VM(综合漏洞检测管理系统) Omni-VM将漏洞检测产品(OS, DBMS, Network, WEB/WAS, Application, SourceCode)与人事管理系统溶为一体, 实现了系统安全监督与企业内部业务处理流程一元化的管理模式。因此,有效地提高了系统漏洞管理与相关业务处理的效率。
Omni-VM(統合脆弱性管理システム) Omni-VMは、様々な脆弱性の点検ツール、決済システム、人事システムなどを連動させて、 技術的脆弱性(OS、DBMS、ネットワーク、WAS、アプリケーション、ソースコード)管理のためのプロセスを反映し、 管理レベルをモニタリングできる一元化されたシステムです。
Omni-IM 公司介绍 Omni-IM是通过OmniGuard产品, 对于使用不同类型的操作系统与数据库管理系统的用户统一管理。 其包括,账号申请、更改与注销周期管理的综合账号管理系统。